Do parenting behaviours shape a child’s personality?

Do parenting behaviours shape a child’s personality?

Have you ever seen a young child yelling at their parents to get what they want? Maybe it was your child yelling at you? What was your response? A smack? Yell back? Time out? As a parent or a teacher, you will face many different child behaviours. The question is, do parenting behaviours shape a child’s personality? 

As a brain programmer, I come from the perspective that the mind is born blank. With everything the mind sees, hears and does, the mind will slowly begin to develop. Information comes to us with every experience, shaping how we think, act, feel from the minute you are born to the minute you read this article and become conscious of it. So, how are your parenting behaviours, shaping your child?  

Read on for common parenting mishaps between Jane and Steve.

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