Money! It makes the world go around! Nevertheless, understanding its worth can take time, especially when teaching it to a child. I cooked up this little concoction in 2019 when I was tasked to teach the concept of money to a 7-year-old boy with autism. I can honestly and happily say that it worked a treat!
Learning outcomes for life and math skills:
- The currency your country uses
- Addition/subtraction of the currency
- Money exchange
- Hard work is rewarding
- Save and buy, save more and buy more
- Fake money (the currency of your country)
- Bank (Adult store for money)
- Wallet (Child store for money)
The child earns money for achieving goals, learning and showing positive manners (adult to determine the value of positive action). The child then stores the money in their wallet and chooses to save or spend their money for a reward. Rewards may include iPad time, free time, purchase of a desired item (again, adults decide the value of the reward).
For example, Dave wants to play on the iPad for 20 minutes. In order to play for 20 minutes, Dave needs $30. He currently has $10 saved. In order to earn $20, Dave needs to complete his homework before 7 pm.
Although a simple lesson, it has so much value for a child when learning the concept of money.
Challenge: Dave can double his earnings ($40) if he completes his homework and achieves a score of 80% and above.
Side note: Rewards of higher value to the child should cost more as it will entice them to work harder.
Have fun with this! Please change what you need to personalise the teaching of the concept of money for your child/class. And please feel free to comment on any other learning ideas, the Educationalist community would love as many ideas as possible.
Read here on how to train a child to be successful.