Week 00, Week 0, Week 1! These have to be some of the craziest weeks as a teacher in preparation for the coming year. Amidst all the “how were your holidays chats,” “school visions for year,” and “professional developments,” that Week 0 entails, you actually need to prepare your classroom. I am a sucker for being organised as I find it keeps me somewhat sane. To Do List are the underlying ground work for which I build my structure of successful organisation. Therefore, I am sharing with you my start of the year To Do List for Week 0 & 1.

Included you will find checks for physical classroom set ups, such as tables, chairs and visual displays. Administrative tasks such as class lists, timetabling, unit planning, technology and online log ins. Types of visual displays that you may want to include. Student books and pencil case item ideas. Ideas to prepare for week 1 during week 0, and some week 1 tasks that you can do to start the year off in a positive and organised fashion.
I have provided both an editable Word Document & PDF. No two To Do Lists are the same, as no two classrooms nor teachers are, so please edit and personalise at your will. I have done my best to include as many items as possible. If you think of an edit that you believe will benefit teachers, please let me know and I will be happy to further develop this document.
Good luck and enjoy to all those teachers about to start the new year off.
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